This 10-question emailable questionnaire can be seen
The link at the bottom of this page is shown in blue lettering and is underlined.
The questionnaire is designed to be created automatically in draft form in your own email program. If this neat feature does not work with your email program, you can create an email, number your responses to correspond with the questions below and send it to:
Introduction to the Email Survey
The information you provide will be added to the “Survey Report”. It is password protected to maintain confidentiality. Your response will be shown with a Respondent ID code instead of your name to further respect your privacy. The code combines the three letter abbreviation for an electoral district and the sequential number of receipt of your email message.
The password will be available only to respondents who request it and who have provided demographic information.
I am collecting some optional demographic facts about each respondent. A sample of the password protected Survey Report is shown below to confirm how these demographic facts will be tabulated.
The 10 survey questions are highlighted in yellow.
(1) Please indicate your position as “support” or “oppose” with regard to the following statement.
My position on allowing the voluntary
formation of 20 charter schools in BC is:
(2) Your usual name.
My name is:
(3) Your residential address information is needed to determine your provincial electoral district.
My residential address is:
(4) Your phone number is requested in case further verification of your response is needed.
My phone number is:
(5) to (8) Optional demographic facts:
My birth year is:
My number of children is:
My number of grandchildren is:
My number of great grandchildren is:
(9) Please indicate “yes” or “no”.
I am okay with receiving weekly
email announcemnts about this survey:
(10) Please indicate “yes” or “no”.
Please send me the password
for access to the Survey Report:
Example of the password protected Survey Report
Res- pon- dent ID | Allow 20 Public Charter Schools in British Columbia SUPPORT OPPOSE | Age | Chil- dren | Grand chil- dren | Great Grand chil- dren | |
ABS 001 | X | 45 | 3 | 0 | 0 | |
VHA 002 | X | 62 | 2 | 1 | 0 | |
2 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 0 |